breakdown - destruction part one
breakdown - kiss
breakdown - club
breakdown - destruction part two
This short Making-Of covers the simulation and LookDev of the MindPalace - VR Experience.
The goal was to tell a continuous fluid stream that forms different images of memories and emotions along its way. I created a shitload of fluid simulations in Houdini, combined them to one object and exported that as a sequence of vertex animation textures. The textures store the position of every vertex in every frame and in the Unreal Engine the shader reads the textures and moves the verteces to its correct position. Through that it was possible to render a giant 6min long fluidsimulation in Unreal.
MindPalace is a realtime 6dof VR-Experience and my graduation project from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.
I was responsible for directing (together with Dominik Stockhausen), LookDev, Shading, Simulation, Lighting and Modeling.
More informations at